Baby Milestones 7th, 8th and 9th Months

Six months into your parenthood and your baby slowly and steadily grows from an infant to a toddler. He/she keeps getting more mobile, inquisitive and sprightly whereas you keep getting more and more awestruck with your baby’s development pace, don’t you?

This is the time when your little one is fully engaged with the world, thereby learning something new every day and surprising you every now and then. With the tiny steps of growth they undertake in each passing minute, you know there are precious moments you’ve spent with the apple of your eye, you’ll never get back again.

The following three months will see the coming of more firsts starting from advancing motor skills to uncanny attachments with funny soft toys.

Look out for these milestones your baby will be achieving on his 7th, 8th and 9th months of










7th Month:

After weeks of rolling sideways and flipping into their tummies, the tiny tot finally starts sitting without support and balancing his/her weight with those tiny legs well enough to bounce when you hold him/her, in the seventh month.


Your junior is now more sensitive to the tone of your voice thereby actually responding when you call his/her name and sensing your warning when you say “no”. It is also quite important to know that your baby thrives on the interactions he/she has with you at this stage, so shower them with instant games, cuddles and replies to encourage their communication skills. It’s a critical time for their language development.

Do childproof your home and keep the space safe for him/her to explore.









8th Month:

By the time your bundle of joy is 8 months old, he/she is not only an eager explorer but also more cautious and curious about things around them. He/she would amuse himself/herself by putting things in containers and taking them out again. By trying to comb his own hair, drinking from a cup and even pretending to talk on the phone for that matter.

Watch out for these!










You might notice your little baby crying on seeing other babies cry, which is nothing but ‘reflexive crying’. This is him/her developing the feelings of empathy, pity and compassion.









Your 8-month-old baby’s mealtime should now start including baby cereal, fruits and vegetables as well as mashed and pureed meat. His/her diet should slowly start switching to solids from liquids at this stage even though he/she might still require 16-20 ounces of breast milk till his first birthday.









9th Month:

Three-quarters of the way through your munchkin’s first year and your baby has come a long way from the time you first brought him/her home from the hospital. This is the time when your cute little baby will babble on to glory. Little do we know that this is when they’re actually trying to talk to us- we just fail to understand them yet. Your little one also develops social skills and will turn into quite a social animal, responding to gestures like blowing kisses or waving.









He/she will also become quite the mimic, mimicking away your expressions and actions. Separation anxiety will also be at its peak at this time and you can help them by warning people to approach slowly or let your baby make the first move.

Babies this age might soon be able to cruise along the edge of the couch or the coffee table to your surprise. They can also pull themselves to a standing position perfectly enough to amaze you.










This is also a tough phase to travel with your fast-growing baby since travelling might disturb her routines and your child expects predictability. Do be prepared for a grumpy, clingy version of your little one during this time and be prepared with distractions to cope with it.









Your baby might either reach milestones ahead of schedule or might even lag behind. What is important to remember here is that it’s pretty much normal and there shouldn’t be any reason to worry. However, consulting your baby’s doctor regarding this wouldn’t be a bad idea after all.

At the end of the day, every baby is different in their own way and develop at their own pace. Make sure you don’t miss out on these milestones and cherish each and every moment as they pass by.



Why it’s important for every parent to spend quality time with their new-born

Parenting is a fun, emotional and yet a tough journey; one needs a lot of patience to raise children. Parents have to understand babies and handle them with care in a friendly and patient manner, no matter what age they are.

Every parent intends to raise a happy, smart and well-adjusted child. Children from birth to adulthood need time and attention from their parents. Parents are often anxious to raise a “successful” child and they overlook the importance of spending time with them or interacting personally with the child. Quality time is the time when both child and parents are fully engaged in an activity together and enjoy the same.


The ultimate motive behind spending quality time with the new-born is to love, understand, and develop your child as a happy, well-adjusted, and contributing member of society. If the relationship between parent and child is unhealthy, there are several negative outcomes when the child or adolescent does not receive the right love, attention, and guidance from the parents.


There’s no particular way to build a strong relationship with the child – every family has to figure it out for themselves. There will be times when the parents don’t or can’t do what they would like to do for the child, but if proper quality time is spent it would lead to positive relationship between the newborn and the parent.

The relationship can be built by:

1] Playing with the Baby – It’s really very important for new parents to play with their babies as much as they can. Parents should engage playing games like peekaboo, playing soft toys etc. with their newborn as it helps to develop a bond with them and it also makes the newborn explore other things.


2] Baby Bathing – Give a bath to your baby every day is a great way to develop a bond with your child. It is helpful in developing the ability to recognize their parent’s touch and also it helps them to get familiar with a particular surrounding

43] Taking your baby for a stroll – Taking your baby out for rounds from a very young age helps in making the baby adjusted to the surroundings out there and also during this period there are chances for the baby to develop a close bond with their parents


4] Being in the moment with the newborn – Being in the moment would be giving attention to the new-born so that the child feels valued and loved. This kind of attention doesn’t have to be a big deal – the parent just needs to be in that moment mentally, physically and emotionally with the new-born.


Taking some time out every day for the baby. Also scheduling a time exclusively for you and your child. Be sure that you do not get interrupted and disturbed. This exclusive time can be anytime during the day, just before bedtime and lead to giving bedtime story lessons to the child or right after coming from your office or after some time. Keeping in mind that the child will be waiting at that time and there should not be any distractions.


If you’re expecting a baby and thinking what best you can do to strengthen the bond with your upcoming baby you must think about preserving your baby’s umbilical cord blood and strengthen the cord of love.

Preserving this eternal bond not only helps you secure a healthy future for your child but also builds a connection right from the time of birth!






Basics of Postnatal Care

Whether you’re expecting or have just delivered your bundle of joy, you need to take special care of yourself. Mothers face a lot of emotional and physical changes that last anywhere from six to eight months. It ranges from hormonal changes, emotional highs and lows, uterus contractions, post-partum depression, breast problems, vaginal discharge and more.

While most mothers are often lost when it comes to dealing with these issues, the article below will enlighten you with the basics of postnatal care. Here are some tips that you should keep in mind.

Postnatal Check-ups:

You endured the nine months of pain, survived labour and brought your beautiful baby into this world, make sure all that was not for nothing. Make it a mandate to do a postnatal check-up and ensure your wellbeing as well as that of your baby.

You can consider opting for a postnatal care package that guarantees to provide extensive personalized care. A good package will ensure the following:

  • Tracking your healing progress
  • Removing sutures if present
  • Checking your blood pressure
  • Breastfeeding support, education, and much more.

Diet and Exercise:

Every women wants to look her best and the same can be said for mothers after childbirth. What new mums should keep in mind, is that losing weight immediately after is a big no-no. It can affect the quality of breast milk supply and in turn affect your baby during their crucial stages of development. Have plenty of fluids and consume a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, grains and protein food is a must, to keep yourself healthy.

There are some substances like alcohol (wine, beer), caffeine (tea, coffee, and chocolate) that need to be completely avoided.


Post-partum depression:

Monday blues have a cure, it’s called any other day. Baby blues? Well, if you ever face anxiety, crying spells, mood swings and the likes for more than two weeks in more severe forms than normal, that’s post-partum depression. Consulting a doctor for assistance can do wonders, also you must spend quality time with your loved ones to overcome any stress or emotional imbalances.




Mothers are a source of a child’s strength. That statement holds true especially considering that breastfeeding your newborn provides the essential nutrients and vital elements for its development. It goes without saying, proper hygiene during breastfeeding should be maintained.

In case you are facing over lactation and your baby is not consuming, you can store the milk. Use sterilised containers. Label and date your containers. Keep your breast pump clean and wash your hands before expressing and handling breast milk for storage.



Vaginal Care

There are always few complications after childbirth. If you happen to have a vaginal tear during delivery, you are likely to experience pain for a few weeks. Extensive tears might take longer to heal and scheduling a check-up with your doctor is highly advised. Besides that, it is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse for four to six weeks after delivery, giving your vagina time to properly heal.



Urination problems:

The swelling or bruising of the tissues surrounding the bladder and urethra may lead to difficulty while urinating. With time, this difficulty usually resolves on its own. However, in the meantime, pouring water across your vulva while sitting on the toilet might help. Practicing Kegel exercises can help tighten your pelvic muscles.

In case you experience a strong, persistent urge to urinate, burning sensation when urinating or pass frequent but small amounts of urine, contact your doctor immediately.

The Takeaway:

Every mother should try to stay healthy before, during and after pregnancy. Staying on top of your healthcare appointments and following your doctor’s instructions ensures you and your baby are healthy, happy and safe.