Breastfeeding Awareness Month

We all know that August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month, but have people really understood the importance of breastfeeding a baby? Women today consider breastfeeding as unimportant and are starting to opt for the artificial option of bottle feeding instead.

Here are a few benefits of Breastfeeding your baby, which every mother should know –

1] Healthier Baby

Mothers should breastfeed their baby as it leads to lesser chances of him/her getting pneumonia, cold and viruses. Certainly, it has been proven that breastfeeding your baby may reduce his/her chances of getting chronic conditions like type I diabetes, celiac disease and chronic disease. Breastfed babies also develop stronger bones in the future.


2] Decreased rate of Cancers

It has been scientifically proven that women who breastfeed their babies have a lower risk of developing breast cancer and it also helps mothers from shedding their post pregnancy weight quickly along with avoiding postpartum depression.


3] Baby Mother Bonding

Breastfeeding your baby helps develop a stronger bond between the mother and the baby. The baby gets more familiar with his mother and it helps the baby in developing various tastes from the beginning. Apart from that, it’s also empowering for a mother to see her baby grow and thrive on her breastmilk.


4] Expert Advice – Experts in the medical industry have recommended and emphasized to every new mother the importance of breastfeeding her baby for atleast the first 6 months. Dr. Madhavi Latha, Lactation Specialist, suggests that new mothers who have a full-time job and don’t have enough time to breastfeed their baby should consider a breastfeeding pump to pump and store their milk, refrigerate it and then which can be consumed within 8 days.


Apart from that, Dr. Raghuram Malliah, says that pain is a part and parcel of motherhood. Mothers should know the trick of handling their baby with care while breastfeeding.  Taking a day’s break can negatively impact the milk flow, instead of this they can restore the milk and feed later because mother’s milk digests sooner.


Dr. Shobha Venkat even suggests that mothers, in order to keep themselves hydrated, should drink enough water before breastfeeding the baby.


The bond between a mother and baby is sacred and cannot be destroyed easily. Make sure all you mothers secure this bond forever.

Basics of Postnatal Care

Whether you’re expecting or have just delivered your bundle of joy, you need to take special care of yourself. Mothers face a lot of emotional and physical changes that last anywhere from six to eight months. It ranges from hormonal changes, emotional highs and lows, uterus contractions, post-partum depression, breast problems, vaginal discharge and more.

While most mothers are often lost when it comes to dealing with these issues, the article below will enlighten you with the basics of postnatal care. Here are some tips that you should keep in mind.

Postnatal Check-ups:

You endured the nine months of pain, survived labour and brought your beautiful baby into this world, make sure all that was not for nothing. Make it a mandate to do a postnatal check-up and ensure your wellbeing as well as that of your baby.

You can consider opting for a postnatal care package that guarantees to provide extensive personalized care. A good package will ensure the following:

  • Tracking your healing progress
  • Removing sutures if present
  • Checking your blood pressure
  • Breastfeeding support, education, and much more.

Diet and Exercise:

Every women wants to look her best and the same can be said for mothers after childbirth. What new mums should keep in mind, is that losing weight immediately after is a big no-no. It can affect the quality of breast milk supply and in turn affect your baby during their crucial stages of development. Have plenty of fluids and consume a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, grains and protein food is a must, to keep yourself healthy.

There are some substances like alcohol (wine, beer), caffeine (tea, coffee, and chocolate) that need to be completely avoided.


Post-partum depression:

Monday blues have a cure, it’s called any other day. Baby blues? Well, if you ever face anxiety, crying spells, mood swings and the likes for more than two weeks in more severe forms than normal, that’s post-partum depression. Consulting a doctor for assistance can do wonders, also you must spend quality time with your loved ones to overcome any stress or emotional imbalances.




Mothers are a source of a child’s strength. That statement holds true especially considering that breastfeeding your newborn provides the essential nutrients and vital elements for its development. It goes without saying, proper hygiene during breastfeeding should be maintained.

In case you are facing over lactation and your baby is not consuming, you can store the milk. Use sterilised containers. Label and date your containers. Keep your breast pump clean and wash your hands before expressing and handling breast milk for storage.



Vaginal Care

There are always few complications after childbirth. If you happen to have a vaginal tear during delivery, you are likely to experience pain for a few weeks. Extensive tears might take longer to heal and scheduling a check-up with your doctor is highly advised. Besides that, it is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse for four to six weeks after delivery, giving your vagina time to properly heal.



Urination problems:

The swelling or bruising of the tissues surrounding the bladder and urethra may lead to difficulty while urinating. With time, this difficulty usually resolves on its own. However, in the meantime, pouring water across your vulva while sitting on the toilet might help. Practicing Kegel exercises can help tighten your pelvic muscles.

In case you experience a strong, persistent urge to urinate, burning sensation when urinating or pass frequent but small amounts of urine, contact your doctor immediately.

The Takeaway:

Every mother should try to stay healthy before, during and after pregnancy. Staying on top of your healthcare appointments and following your doctor’s instructions ensures you and your baby are healthy, happy and safe.

Healthy Diet for a Breastfeeding Mom

Being a mother is a beautiful experience, but it comes with a lot of responsibility- not only towards your child, but towards your own health.

Your baby’s health depends on your breast milk and its nutrients. However, every woman’s breast milk is composed differently to suit her child, hence it is important for every woman to pay special attention to her diet. Here are some tips you could use when you are pregnant.

Maintaining a well-balanced diet

Enough nutrition during pregnancy is necessary for your baby to grow and develop. Vomiting and nausea are pretty common during the first few months of pregnancy, and can make this difficult. Try to have a well-balanced diet and take prenatal vitamins to assist with this.

Lactating mothers feel hungrier, which makes sense since your body is working extra to produce milk for your baby. Consuming small meals along with healthy snacks in between is an excellent way to keep your hunger pangs at bay and your energy levels on the higher side.



Stop counting the number of calories!

Mothers who are Breastfeeding require 500 calories more than regular moms. That is 2,000 to 2,500 calories per day.

You should listen to your body and eat what it demands. That is usually all the calories your body actually needs. Counting calories does not help unless you are trying to watch your weight. Too much dieting can decrease the milk supply to the milk ducts. However, if you are well planned and diet sensibly, it should not pose any problems.



Go for slow and steady weight loss

Many new moms discover that the weight they gain is very hard to lose; while others feel that it is easily lost. But the truth about weight loss remains that it depends largely on your body’s metabolism rate, how much physical activity you are getting in a day and the type of food you prefer to eat. Therefore one must always remember to lose the pregnancy weight very gradually. Ideally, take a year to get back to your pre-pregnancy self.

Never try to lose weight by dieting until at least two months after your baby is born. A reduced calorie intake in these first couple of months could leave you feeling a loss of energy and can possibly reduce/ diminish your milk supply.

But if you are way above your average/ideal weight, you could start shedding those extra pounds earlier. Remember to take your doctor’s advice before starting the weight loss process; and remember to drink plenty of water, to always stay hydrated!



Avoid alcohol

In general alcohol should not be consumed while a mother is breastfeeding as it enters the milk and alters its composition. Having a small amount of alcohol will also affect your milk letdown reflex.


Stay hydrated and cut down on your caffeine

16 cups of fluid is required by your body when you are breastfeeding and this includes the fluid from the food you consume. But there’s no need for you to keep track of the amount of water you consume a day. Your urine colour is also an indicator of how well hydrated your body is (light yellow or clear urine is a good sign).

It’s totally fine to have your morning cup of tea/ coffee but remember not to overdo it. Small traces of this caffeine will end up in your breast milk and your baby’s body is not fully equipped to break it down and expel it out.