HIV AIDS Awareness Month

1st December is marked as World HIV – AIDS Awareness Day. This year Babycell is spearheading an awareness drive throughout December month with hashtag #AIDwithStemCells for supporting patients suffering from HIV and preventing advancement of the disease. so here is an interesting article to help you understand the disease and role of cord blood in curing it


What is HIV?

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus leads to Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome or AIDS. HIV completely breaks down the immune system and makes a person vulnerable to deadly diseases and infections.

Unlike other viruses, the human body cannot get rid of HIV with routine medication.


Alarming numbers of HIV in India


  • 2.1 million Indians living with HIV
  • 86,000 new HIV infections each year in India
  • 1,30,000 annual deaths in India due to HIV


Transmission of HIV

HIV is spread from an infected person to another person’s body through

  • Blood transfusion
  • Non Sterilized injections
  • Sharing needles
  • Semen
  • Vaginal fluids
  • Through sexual contact
  • From mother to baby during birth.

Current treatment: Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) is the therapy being used widely but it is not a permanent cure. ART is the combination of several antiretroviral medicines used to slow the rate at which HIV makes copies of itself (multiplies) in the body. A combination of three or more antiretroviral medicines such as nucleosides, protease inhibitors and more is used manage HIV. It controls the virus and reduces the risk of further transmission.


Role of Cord Blood in Curing HIV: Timothy Ray Brown was diagnosed with HIV in 1995, and later also contracted leukemia, which is common in HIV cases due to the almost non-functional immune system. In 2007 he underwent a cord blood stem cell transplant for treatment of leukemia. Surprisingly, not only was he cured of leukemia but also of HIV. This led the scientists and hematologists to delve deeper into the stem cells used for his transplant. What they found was revolutionary since we now have a hope for such a large global population suffering from this disease. The cord blood stem cells used were from an unknown donor with a delta 32 mutation on the CCR5 receptor. Because of the ability of these stem cells to regenerate blood cells and immune cells, he got treated for both Leukemia and HIV.


Results: To support their findings, another organized clinical trial has been initiated, currently 4 HIV patients have been treated using cord blood stem cells and more patients are being recruited in a 3 year long trial in Spain.


Benefit: With the success of stem cell transplant 1 billion lives can be saved in next 10 years

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So go ahead and educate everyone that you know! Share the science and knowledge !!



Role of cord blood in curing juvenile diabetes

What is Juvenile Diabetes?

Juvenile Diabetes/Type 1 diabetes develops when a child’s pancreas stops producing enough insulin. Insulin lets blood sugar-also called glucose-enter the body’s cells, where it is used for energy. Without insulin, the amount of sugar in the blood rises above a safe level. As a result, children experience high and low blood sugar levels from time to time. High blood sugar can damage blood vessels and nerves throughout the body and increases your child’s risk of eye, kidney, heart, blood vessel, and nerve diseases.

Experts do not know what causes type 1 diabetes. But the cause may involve family history and maybe environmental factors like diet or infections.

Juvenile Diabetes is the 2nd most common chronic childhood disease in the world. It is estimated that India is housing about 97,700 children with Juvenile Diabetes. Surprisingly India has more diabetes patients than the United States.

Current treatment: Insulin is the only injection-based medicine that can keep blood sugar levels in a healthy range. It cannot reverse the disease.

Role of Cord Blood in Curing Diabetes: Infusing cord blood stem cells into the body, scientists  have proven that it can slow down the immune system’s attack on pancreatic cells producing insulin and perhaps replace them with healthy cells.

Results: So far 11 diabetic children aged 2 to 10 have been treated with their own cord blood. The follow up lasted between 3 and 31 months. The study concluded that stem cell transplant is a permanent cure and the treatment is feasible and safe.

Benefit: 1 in 3 Indians could be benefited with this novel cord blood stem cell therapy to treat diabetes.




Interesting facts that you may not know about stem cells and stem cell research

Why is everyone opting for stem cell banking in India and why should you be interested in cord blood stem cells?
Cord blood is the blood that’s found in umbilical cord, the cord that connects mother and baby. Cord blood stem cells have an enormous potential to repair, heal and regenerate. These cells are the basics of our cellular system. These multipurpose cells can be differentiated to become specific or specialised cells, and they can help treat more than 80 diseases.

The field of stem cells and umbilical cord blood stem cell banking is very interesting to study because people could actually get an idea about the real process through which a bunch of stem cells can transform into a huge array of trillions of healthy functional cells that are crucial for living.
Interesting facts about stem cells:-
All new – Thanks to umbilical cord blood stem cells they have a potential to give you whole new skin approximately every four weeks, a new gut lining every few days and a staggering 2 million new red blood cells every second.
All fresh – Researchers discovered umbilical cord blood is the richest and fresh source of stem cells since cord blood stem cells are unexposed to the external environment.

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Skin on demand – Doctors have discovered that cord blood stem cells can regenerate into epithelial cells and grow entire sheets of epidermis in the lab, only with no hair or sweat glands. This new skin can be used as grafts for patients with severe burns or other skin disorders.
One for the family – Your newborn baby’s cord blood stem cells are a 100% match for the baby and a suitable match for the sibling and other family members too! Now you know why you should opt for cord blood stem cell banking

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Lifesavers – In the last 25 years, more than 35,000 patients have received umbilical cord blood transplants –mostly for treatment of leukemia, lymphoma, metabolic disorders, immune deficiencies and other blood disorders.
There are 2 types of stem cell treatments (treatment using own stem cells or donated stem cells): Autologous and allogeneic ways are the two main types of stem cells transplants. When a patient receives stem cells from his own cord blood, he is said to undergo autologous cord blood stem cells transplant, whereas in case of allogeneic transplant, cord blood stem cells donated by another individual’s umbilical cord blood are used for the treatment.

As a result, a prerequisite for allogeneic transplant is to find a donor match. Specific proteins known as the human leukocyte antigen found on the surface of each stem cell making each person’s tissue unique, are assessed to obtain an identical donor. However, in case of autologous transplants, HLA matching is not required.
Cord blood Stem Cells for Type 1 Diabetes: Stem cell research works to treat a variety of degenerative diseases, but an interesting fact is that they are also used in diabetes research. A study has proven injecting cord blood stem cells into the pancreas could cause them to develop into insulin-producing beta cells, replacing the damaged cells.
Should YOU support stem cell research and stem cell banking?
Stem cells have miraculous powers. It is thus important to understand the basics of stem cells and support their research because they have proven to be extremely useful in treating a wide range of diseases for which no effective treatment is present. Thus, these cord blood stem cells have the potential to unlock the key to successful treatment for the most deadly diseases, such as Autism, Cerebral Palsy, pediatric stroke, blood cancers, HIV, which have been troubling mankind since ages, and if in any unfortunate scenario can affect you or your loved ones, doctors and scientists recommend a newborn baby’s stem cells are preserved upcoming baby’s stem cells and expecting parents must opt for the best stem cell banking facility in India.

Reasons why you should store cord blood

In today’s generation, one has access to a pool of information and news about the advancements of preventive medicine and healthcare. Stem cell banking facility is a big advancement in the preventive health segment, parents are confused about opting stem cell banking because they are unaware about stem cell preservation benefits. The article below lists down reasons why one must opt for stem cell banking for their upcoming baby.

There are a number of things that need to be kept in mind when it comes to securing the future of your baby. A new-born in your family brings in a lot of happiness, however, there is onus of securing your baby’s future as well. As modern responsible parents, it is recommended that every parent must give stem cell preservation a thought.
Take a look properties and advantages of stem cells that will help you understand the benefit of preserving your baby’s stem cells.

Stem cells have unique ability to regenerate into healthy cells and replace diseases cells:
Stem cells have the ability to differentiate into a number of ‘specialized cells ’such as blood cells, nerve cells, immune cells and more. If stem cells are preserved they can be used to cure various life-threatening diseases such as Autism, Cerebral Palsy, total hearing loss, Hodgkin’s’ disease, sickle cell anemia, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Thalassemia, Hurler’s Syndrome, Myelodysplastic Syndromes and many others.


Stem cells are a lifesaver for the entire family:
Stem cell preservation benefits are many; they can not only protect your new-born but also protect you and your family. Your baby’s stem cells are a 100% match, for himself and a potential match for a sibling or a member of the family. Make sure you choose the best stem cells bank to preserve your baby’s stem cells so that you can easily access them in times of difficulty. Besides, doing so will also ensure that you are not required to spend days or months looking for the right match.



Stem cells can cure more than 80 diseases disorders:
By preserving stem cells, you have a better chance to fight over 80 diseases such as leukemia, sickle cell anemia, cerebral palsy, autism, multiple sclerosis, diabetes type 1. Umbilical cord blood stem cells have the ability to replace damaged cells and differentiate into healthy functional cells. Their power to regenerate into healthy cells gives them the ability to fight against a whole lot of diseases which were earlier incurable.

Bright future:
With the current ability of stem cells to cure so many diseases and disorders, scientists and researchers across the globe are looking to explore the complete benefits of stem cells in each and every field. While it can be used to cure certain problems, there has been a lot of research and clinical studies that is being conducted to explore further potential of stem cells.


Currently, the scientist are researching ways to cure disorders such as spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer’s disease and more. We can expect a resolution to more than 100 diseases by 2018.
If you are looking forward to bank your baby’s stem cells, opt for the best stem cell bank which is ISO, GMP, GCP and GLP certified and make use of Double Sedimentation Spin technology for processing and cryopreservation of cord blood stem cells. A cord blood bank collects the cord blood, processes it, extracts stem and cryopreserves stem cells at -196 degree Celsius.
It is advised that you spend some time researching well-known stem cell banks in India. In the case of any doubts, get in touch with the experts to take a presentation and get all your doubts cleared.

With the above reasons, preserved stem cells can be considered as a lifesaver!

Cord Blood Stem Cells a perfect cure for Leukemia


Cord Blood Banking allows you to preserve your newborn baby’s cord blood and use the stem cells found in it in future if a need arises. These stem cells can be used in the treatment of more than 80 diseased conditions. More conditions continue to be researched due to ever increasing stem cell preservation benefits.

What is Leukemia?

Leukemia is a cancer of blood cells, which involves multiplication of malignant White Blood Cells (WBCs). These abnormal cells do not function in the same way as normal WBCs, they continue to grow, divide and accumulate very quickly eventually crowding out the normal blood cells leading to difficulty in fighting infections, controlling bleeding, and transporting oxygen.


Tiredness, easy bruising, and susceptibility to infections are the major symptoms. Acute leukemia requires fast and aggressive treatment.

Prevalence of Leukemia in India

In low- and middle-income countries more than 250,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year have limited access to curative treatment, and only about 25% survive. An estimated 67,870 deaths have resulted from blood cancer in 2015. According to a report from National Cancer Registry Program (NCRP), in India cancer is the 9th common cause of death among children between 5 to 14 years of age.

Table 1: Childhood Cancer Incidence in India (AAR: Age-adjusted rates of incidence) (Data source: NCRP report)




Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplant – Cure for Leukemia

Normal blood cells develop from stem cells that have the potential to regenerate and form many cell types. Cord blood for transplants is collected from the umbilical cord after a newborn baby is delivered. The stem cells from this cord blood are extracted in a Cell Processing Centre and preserved in -196ᵒ C liquid nitrogen tanks for future use.

Stem cell transplants which use the patient’s own stem cells are called “autologous transplants”. One can even use donor stem cells, they may come from either a related or unrelated matched donor, and this is called an “allogeneic transplant”. Most transplant physicians would not want to use a baby’s own cord blood to treat his or her leukemia. This is because donor stem cells might better fight the leukemia than the child’s own stem cells. Considering the high prevalence of leukemia, cord blood stem cell preservation benefits and curative uses of cord blood stem cells, it is evident that cord blood stem cell banking is important. Babycell understands that every family should stand a chance to treat their children, to help such patients Babycell has a Sibling Program. In case you have a child diagnosed with a




blood disorder your next baby’s cord blood stem cells can be used to cure your child under this Babycell collects, processes and stores your upcoming child’s cord blood stem cells free of cost for 5 years. Due to stem cell preservation benefits and development in technology it can definitely create a healthier, disease free society. Expecting parents must ensure that they opt for cord blood stem cell banking of their upcoming baby as this is one time opportunity. Babycell achieved its ISO certification in the first year itself; by the second year of operations they received GMP, GLP and GCP certifications. Babycell also provides value added services like new born screening (NBS), CFU assay- to test the ability of stem cells to differentiate, HLA testing, Father’s wellness program and more.


Fast facts about childhood cancer and stem cell transplantation

  • Cancer is the 9th common cause of death among children between 5 to 14 years of age in India
  • More than 250,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year, Out of which there are 50,000 new childhood cancer cases in India Of these, 30-40% are leukemia and lymphomas, 20% are brain tumours and 1% retinoblastomas (eye cancer)
  • Only about 25% survive as they have limited access to curative treatment
  • An estimated 67,870 deaths have resulted from blood cancer in 2015
  • Prevalence of childhood cancer has doubled in last one decade. In 2006 childhood cancers were 2.5% of the total number of cancer cases and today, they add up to 5.5%. Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai alone treats 2,000 new pediatric cancer cases annually.

Current Treatment for childhood cancer

  • Current treatment options are surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or immunotherapy. These are expensive and a temporary solution with a chance of disease relapse.
  • Often a combination of Chemotherapy and Stem Cell Transplantation offers a 100% cure for childhood cancers.

Stem Cell Transplantation

  1. A stem cell transplant can take a few days or months to complete. The process begins with treatment of high doses of chemotherapy, this treatment goes on for a week or two. Once it is successfully done, patient is allowed to rest for a few days
  2. Patient then receives the stem cells through an IV catheter. This process is like receiving a blood transfusion. It takes 1 to 5 hours to receive all the stem cells.
  3. After receiving the stem cells, patient is set for a recovery phase. During this time the stem cells received to start making new blood cells.

Till date 1 million stem cell transplants are done worldwide,  more than 50% have been performed in children



Stem Cell Banking and importance of HLA

Cord blood, which contains powerful stem cells, comes from a newborn’s umbilical cord and is collected immediately after birth. Once the umbilical cord has been clamped and cut, the remaining blood in the umbilical cord is drawn into a collection bag, which is then processed and preserved at -196 degree Celsius.

What makes cord blood cells different?

Cord blood stem cells are biologically younger and are more adaptable compared to adult stem cells from other sources like bone marrow. When saved, they have unique qualities and advantages:

Comparison of Stem Cell Sources Newborn Adult Embryonic
Ability to differentiate into various cell types
High proliferation capacity
Low risk of tumor formation
Low risk of viral contamination
Capacity for autologous transplantation
Established / proven treatment in human patients


Stem cells can heal the body, promote recovery, and offer an enormous amount of therapeutic potential. Preserving cord blood stem cells “stops the clock” and protects the stem cells from aging and being exposed to environmental factors and common viruses that can decrease their function.




The effectiveness of cord blood stem cell therapy depends on many factors, with one of the most important being stem cell matching. Doctors determine stem cell matching based on human leukocyte antigen (HLA) markers. Passed down from parents to their children, these markers act like cell fingerprints, letting the immune system know which cells belong in the body and which cells are foreign to it. If a patient’s HLA markers exactly match those of the new stem cells being introduced, the patient’s body will readily accept the cells. If the HLA match is close but not perfect, chances are still favorable that the patient’s body will accept the cells. By storing cord blood from each child, parents can increase the chance of finding the best source for a match.

HLA means Human Leukocyte Antigens, which are found on the surface of various types of nucleated cells in the human body. In the human anatomy, they are akin to an “identity card”, inherited from one’s parents and could distinguish “self” and “nonself”, through which the wholeness of an individual can be maintained. Briefly, there are 6 HLA types: A, B, DQ and DR. Out of which A, B and DR play a critical role during cord blood transplants.A cord blood transplant is just as effective at curing patients with only a 4 out of 6 match (67% match) between donor and patient whereas for bone marrow transplant the patient and donor must match at all 6 parameters (100% match).       The best potential for an HLA match is within the family. Each person inherits one A, B, DR antigen from each parent. Thus, we have 2 HLA-A antigens, 2 HLA-B antigens and 2 DR antigen which make up total 6 anitgens. In case of a Cord Blood Transplant 4/6 is a suitable match.



When an unrelated donor is sought the number of potential HLA combinations becomes so enormous that finding the patient’s exact HLA type may seem like searching for a needle in a haystack. HLA helps to understand the acceptance and recovery after transplantation on two factors

  • Engraftment – Engraftment occurs when the donated cells that were transplanted begin to grow and make new cells.
  • Graft-Versus-Host Disease (GVHD)-A post-transplant complication, GVHD occurs when the immune cells from the cord blood (the graft) attack the patient’s own immune cells.

Considering the benefits of cord blood stem cells, need of stem cell banking and importance of HLA at the time of preservation, it is recommended for to-be parents to wisely choose a stem cell bank that provides HLA Typing service at the time of preservation. Saving your child’s cord blood is an investment towards your family’s future health; thus, its benefits cannot be measured in financial terms.  However, if one must make economic justifications, the cost of storing cord blood and tissue pales in comparison to the many expenses associated with raising a child today, such as the cost of child care and education. The potential return on investment in stem cell banking is paramount as it can save the lives of your loved ones.

Umbilical cord blood banking in India is emerging at very high pace and parents are realizing the potential of cord blood in curing previously incurable diseases. To know more about stem cells and umbilical cord blood banking in India visit –

Tests and Services To Look Out For While Opting For Stem Cell Banking

There are a number of things that need to be kept in mind while opting for stem cell banking such as cryopreservation facility, location, cost, collection and transportation facility. Over and above the basic services one must also ensure they choose a stem cell bank is transparency in providing the complete detailed reports of all the tests performed such as sterility, CD34 cell count, viability CFU, HLA Testing and more.

Stem cell banking benefits:

Storing these cells can help you treat over 80 diseases including cancers, blood disorders, and immune disorders. Stem cells also have the ability to rebuild cardiac tissue, repair damage due to stroke or spinal cord injuries, reverse the effects of diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and much more. As a result, cord blood banking is worth spending for. Below is a list of tests and services you must look for:

Sterility Test: Sterility Test detects any kind of aerobic and anaerobic microbial contamination in the cord blood and cord tissue. Helps to ensure micro-organism and contamination free cord blood and cord tissue which can be used in future transplantation.


Stem Cell Count: Stem cells happen to be Mono-Nuclear Cells or MNC: when you look at them under a microscope there is only one nucleus. Unfortunately, one of the most difficult aspects of stem cell biology is that you can’t identify a stem cell just by looking at it.  There are other types of blood cells which are also MNC, such as nucleated red blood cells.  The only proof that a cell is a stem cell comes from how it behaves when it multiplies. Stem Cell Count test is done to determine the number of stem cells in the isolated fraction of cord blood cells. Stem Cell Count aids the hematologist in determining the treatment plan for stem cell transplantation.


CFU: Stem cells have the ability to differentiate, but how do you evaluate this ability? The answer to this is CFU test. This test is a two-week lab test that lets you estimate the cell potency. In the CFU test a small portion is observed under controlled conditions to see if stem cells differentiate to form colonies.  Earlier it used to be a subjective measure, but recently it has been standardized with technology to image the cells and count colonies in the image. During the test it takes 14 days for colonies to grow, therefore it is advised to perform the test at the time of preservation. As per US. Dept. of Health and Human Services and their prescribed guidelines CFU evaluation is a must at the tim

e of preservation as it determines potency, differentiation capacity and actual utility of stem cells. Babycell™ is the only stem cell bank in India that performs the CFU assay at the time of preservation and provides the test results along with client’s Cryopreservation Certificate.1


HLA testing and its importance:

HLA means Human Leukocyte Antigens, which are found on the surface of various types of nucleated cells in the human body. In the human anatomy, they are akin to an “identity card”, inherited from one’s parents and could distinguish “self” and “nonself”. Briefly, there are 6 HLA types: A, B, DQ and DR. Out of which A, B and DR play a critical role during cord blood transplants. A cord blood transplant is just as effective at curing patients with only a 4 out of 6 match (67% match) between donor and patient.

The best potential for an HLA match is within the family. Each person inherits one A, B, DR antigen from each parent. Thus, we have 2 HLA-A antigens, 2 HLA-B antigens and 2 DR antigen which make up total 6 anitgens. In case of a Cord Blood Transplant 4/6 is a suitable match.

When an unrelated donor is sought the number of potential HLA combinations becomes so enormous that finding the patient’s exact HLA type may seem like searching for a needle in a haystack. HLA helps to understand the acceptance and recovery after transplantation on two factors

  • Engraftment – Engraftment occurs when the donated cells that were transplanted begin to grow and make new cells.
  • Graft-Versus-Host Disease (GVHD)-A post-transplant complication, GVHD occurs when the immune cells from the cord blood (the graft) attack the patient’s own immune cells.



Haemoglobinopathy Test:

Haemoglobinopathy is a condition that involves an abnormality in the structure of haemoglobin. An investigation of a hemoglobin disorder typically involves tests that determine the types and amounts of hemoglobin present in a person’s sample of blood. Information from the test, along with results from routine tests such as a complete blood count (CBC) and blood smear, aid in establishing a diagnosis of Hemoglobinopathies.

With this test, you can detect the disorders and arrange a treatment accordingly.

So the next time you are looking for a reliable stem cell banking in India or anywhere in the world, keep the above services in mind. They will definitely help you choose the right stem cell banking service that lets you make the most for your loved ones.



To know more read –


World Thalassemia Day | Stem Cell Therapy

Here’s an infographic that explains how stem cell therapy has a cure for Thalassemia.
Now that we all know how stem cell therapy serves as the best possible cure for Thalassemia, we should make a point to spread awareness about this to our family and friends.
Thalassemia infographic (1)

7 Reasons To Save Your Baby’s Cord Blood

  1. Protect Your Family’s Future Health

You have many decisions to make during your pregnancy as you prepare for your baby’s arrival.

One of these decisions is whether or not to save your baby’s cord blood stem cells. Stem cells are found in abundance in your baby’s umbilical cord blood and the cord. These genetically unique cells are the building blocks for your baby’s body for blood, organs, tissue and immune system. They can help to repair or rebuild injured or damaged cells for your child and could possibly aid other family members. By banking your child’s blood you have the opportunity to preserve these potentially life-saving cells.

Umbilical cord blood is being used in the treatment and, in some cases, cure, for many cancers, immune and genetic diseases, injuries and other illnesses. Families who have a history of certain genetic diseases are especially encouraged to bank their baby’s cord blood due to its potential use in siblings or parents. More and more families choose to bank their child’s umbilical cord blood for peace of mind for their family’s future. Babycell offers many options to families in saving these precious resources.

The window of opportunity to collect these cells is very short and it is only a one time opportunity.

The cord blood and tissue must be collected in the few minutes following the birth of your child, so the decision to save these valuable cells should be made by your third trimester in order to have your collection kit, or “Babycell Collection Kit,” delivered to you in time.

  1. Many Diseases Can Be Cured Or Treated With Cord Blood Stem Cells Now

Cord blood stem cells are used in the treatment or cure of more than 80 diseases. Doctors are able to use it to treat many cancers and other malignant diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma, autoimmune diseases and more.

Stem cells found in cord blood are much easier to match to a patient than bone marrow because it does not need to be as perfect a match as is required with bone marrow, which is why doctors are increasingly relying on this life-saving alternative to bone marrow transplants. Doctors have also turned to cord blood stem cells due to its lower probability of graft vs. host disease (GVHD).

Cord blood stem cells are also being used for the treatment of many more common diseases and medical afflictions such as cerebral palsy, autism, pediatric stroke, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s.


  1. Cord Blood Stem Cells Will Always Be A Perfect Match For Your Baby

To be a match for any kind of stem cell transplant you must be a “match” to the donor cells. For a transplant coming from a bone marrow donor, a perfect 6 out 6 Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) tissue type match is required. For cord blood stem cells, only a 4 of 6 HLA match is necessary. Your baby will always be a perfect match to his or her cord blood should the need ever arise for a stem cell transplant. But did you know that for a full sibling there is also a 1-in-4 chance that they will also be a high-quality match? And cord blood stem cells are also a “half match,” or 3 of 6, for each parent.

  1. Stem Cell Research Is Revealing Exciting Future Uses

It’s an exciting time in stem cell research. More and more successful transplants and medical breakthroughs are leading expectant parents to cord blood banking. The results of medical researchers studying the effects that stem cells have on many diseases are encouraging. They are looking at the use of stem cells in the treatments of spinal cord injuries, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, HIV, diabetes, and many, many more illnesses, injuries, and diseases.

With this research, the importance of saving your baby’s cord blood is greater than ever before. By choosing a private cord blood bank like Babycell, you can store your child’s cord blood and provide him or her a guaranteed exact genetic stem cell match as protection for treatment possibilities in the future.


  1. Cord Blood Stem Cells Have Potential Sibling Use

Your children have an increased likelihood of requiring a stem cell transplant sometime in their life if your family has a medical history of any of the diseases that can be treated with cord blood. Choosing to bank the cord blood from all pregnancies is highly encouraged. The reason being that a sibling transplant may be superior for treatment of certain genetic diseases as opposed to one from the child’s own cells.

  1. Cord Blood And Cord Tissue Are Valuable For Your Family’s Medical Future

The stem cells in your baby’s cord blood have the ability to heal, repair or regrow damaged or diseased cells for your child or family members. The potential for their use today is remarkable with stem cells being used in the treatment of more than 80 diseases currently, and their future potential, as well as that from cord tissue stem cells, is promising with new therapies and discoveries made every day.

  1. There’s No Reason NOT To Bank Your Child’s Cord Blood

Whether it’s to protect your family’s future medical health, to treat a sibling with a current ongoing condition, or just for peace of mind, there is essentially no reason not to bank your baby’s umbilical cord blood. The scores of diseases currently being treated, coupled with the promising future potential being discovered every day, make the value in saving your baby’s cord blood even more important today. Preserving your child’s cord blood is an investment in your family’s future.